Do I have to sell to the highest bidder?

In the MultiBID system, sellers retain the choice to accept or decline any bid and hold the legal authority to approve or reject the highest bid. All bids placed carry legal obligations for the bidders. If the highest bidder and the seller fail to finalize the necessary paperwork within the designated hold period, the seller may request MultiBID to connect them with the next highest bidder to ensure the completion of the transaction. Additionally, in certain cases, offers may be evaluated and potentially accepted before the commencement of the MultiBID process, at the discretion of the seller.

Billing details

Request Identity Verification
In order to bid on a property your identity needs to be verified. MultiBID used Fintracker (government compliance requirement) to verify users. Click below to request verification and we will send you link to follow by email.
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Sign Bidder Terms Agreement
In order to bid in a Live MultiBID Event you must accept the Buyer/Bidder Agreement with MultiBID terms. All bids are live and legally binding. Misuse of the platform is subject to consequences and a potential fine of $20,000. Click the button below to proceed.
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