What is the HOLD STATUS?

Hold Status on MultiBID: Ensuring a Smooth Post-Bidding Process

The Hold Status is a crucial phase in the MultiBID platform that occurs at the end of the live bidding process when one or more bids have been placed. It serves as an essential bridge between the bidding phase and the formalization of the property transaction.

  1. Concluding Live Bidding: After the live bidding session ends, the property enters the Hold Status. This temporary pause allows the seller and auctioneer to carefully review the final bids received during the auction.
  2. Time for Seller Consideration: During the Hold Status, the seller has the opportunity to evaluate the final bids and make a well-informed decision regarding whether to accept the highest bid and proceed with the transaction or not.
  3. Formalizing the Trade: Once the seller accepts the final bid, the process of formalizing the trade and agreements begins. This involves reviewing, modifying (if necessary), and accepting the appropriate documents related to the property sale.
  4. Earnest Money Deposit: To solidify the deal, the buyers are required to prepare and submit the earnest money deposit, demonstrating their commitment to the transaction.
  5. Efficiency and Speed: The Hold Status is designed to be a time-efficient phase, ensuring that all necessary steps, including document review, modifications, acceptance, and the earnest money deposit, occur within a 24-hour period.

By implementing the Hold Status on MultiBID, we prioritize a smooth and secure post-bidding process for both buyers and sellers, facilitating successful property transactions in the most efficient manner possible.

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Sign Bidder Terms Agreement
In order to bid in a Live MultiBID Event you must accept the Buyer/Bidder Agreement with MultiBID terms. All bids are live and legally binding. Misuse of the platform is subject to consequences and a potential fine of $20,000. Click the button below to proceed.
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