Does registering for a MultiBID mean I HAVE to bid?

Absolutely Not!  We encourage creating an account for anyone who thinks there is a chance they might want to participate in a MultiBID event, but there is no requirement to place a bid. It is possible that the highest bid is higher than your maximum when you are ready, so a bid would not be possible.

In any case, once you create an account, you are able Pre-Register for any Future MultiBID’S and BE ready to bid right away so that you won’t miss out on a property for which you have interest.

Billing details

Request Identity Verification
In order to bid on a property your identity needs to be verified. MultiBID used Fintracker (government compliance requirement) to verify users. Click below to request verification and we will send you link to follow by email.
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Sign Bidder Terms Agreement
In order to bid in a Live MultiBID Event you must accept the Buyer/Bidder Agreement with MultiBID terms. All bids are live and legally binding. Misuse of the platform is subject to consequences and a potential fine of $20,000. Click the button below to proceed.
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