How can I pay the deposit?

The deposit on a purchased property must be paid within one (1) business day of the contract signing. It is paid either by money order, bank draft or by wire transfer. The deposit is held in a designated real estate trust account until the transaction is closed. All deposits are to be made payable to the listing brokerage’s trust account, which will always be detailed in the MultiBID terms and in the property’s Agreement paperwork.

If you are a successful bidder who is not physically able to arrange for the deposit delivery in one business day, a confirmation that a wire transfer has been initiated by your bank must be provided by the close of the business day that immediately follows the end of the MultiBID. There are no exceptions to this requirement.

In the event a deposit is not received in time, you risk legal implications as provided to brokerages transacting in real estate.

Billing details

Request Identity Verification
In order to bid on a property your identity needs to be verified. MultiBID used Fintracker (government compliance requirement) to verify users. Click below to request verification and we will send you link to follow by email.
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Sign Bidder Terms Agreement
In order to bid in a Live MultiBID Event you must accept the Buyer/Bidder Agreement with MultiBID terms. All bids are live and legally binding. Misuse of the platform is subject to consequences and a potential fine of $20,000. Click the button below to proceed.
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